Insurances Accepted
MKSA/KULA services are typically covered by Arkansas Medicaid or TEFRA. However, some services are covered by private insurance or other health care plans. Contact a center near you for more information.

The application process is easy. You can apply for both ARKids A and B at the same time. Apply online at If your computer has Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can fill out the application online. If not, you may print the application. If you are using a public computer and are not sure, simply ask for assistance. Applications are also available throughout your community at many local health units, hospitals, churches, daycare centers, pharmacies, and public schools. You may also request an application to be mailed to you by DHS. Once you complete the application you can either mail it or deliver it to your local DHS office.
You can apply for TEFRA by downloading this entire TEFRA application packet, filling out the required forms, and submitting it to your local DHS County Office. Approval of your child’s application to the program is based on the eligibility requirements that are explained on the TEFRA Eligibility page.
Connect Care
ConnectCare can help you find a doctor/PCP or dentist for you and your family, or change your doctor/PCP, if you are on Arkansas Medicaid or your child is on ArKids First.
Need help finding a doctor or PCP? Call the ConnectCare helpline: Toll-free 1-800-275-1131 (TDD: 1-800-285-1131) Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.